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Hi, I'm Amy.

Top 3 Wonderful Midwives in Orange County

Midwives in Orange County

Are you an expecting mom who is trying to decide who to turn to for obstetric care? You are in the right place! In this article, I will share with you what a midwife is, how to pick the right one for you, and my list of the Top 3 Midwives in Orange County.

What is a midwife?

A midwife is a health care professional who helps expecting mothers through pregnancy, labor and delivery, and postpartum. They are typically an alternative to an OBGYN, although some women choose to use both.

When it comes to deciding if you want to use a midwife or an OBGYN, there is no one option that is “better” than the other. Each healthcare professional will come with their own qualities that may or may not be more appealing and suiting to you and your situation.

Midwives have a reputation for taking a personal approach to prenatal care. While some women feel like “just a number” upon entering a doctor’s office, meeting with a midwife at a birthing center or in your own home can make the experience more comfortable for an expecting (and nervous) new mom.

Midwives typically work with low-risk pregnancies. If you are high-risk for any reason, connect with your doctor before deciding on a service provider.

What should I look for in a midwife in Orange County?

Few experiences in life are as intimate as the birthing process. Since your midwife is going to be with you through it all, you will want someone who makes you feel comfortable and safe. Here are some things to be mindful of when searching online for a Midwife in Orange County:

  • Is this person compassionate/empathetic when I speak with them?
  • Is this person part of a larger service team/ well-connected with other medical professionals in case I need a referral?
  • How many other midwives are on their team?
  • Will this person be respectful of my birth plan?
  • Does this person make me feel heard and validated?

Remember, your birth is yours. It can be easy to feel like you are just one part of the daunting experience, but in reality, you have more control than you think. Start taking control by taking your time and choosing a midwife who will best support you.

Challenges in finding the right Midwife in Orange County:

As wonderful as finding the perfect match is, it is not always an easy journey. When you begin your search, be mindful of the following challenges:

  • Can I use my insurance in paying for midwifery services?
  • Some communities/states have limited midwifery funding, meaning midwifery centers can be backlogged.

Top 3 Midwives in Orange County

As you can probably tell by now, choosing your midwife is not easy. If you live in the Orange County area, we have done the work for you! Keep reading to learn about the Top 3 midwives in Orange County:

1. South Coast Midwifery – 979-654-2727

This beautiful, highly-rated Orange County Midwifery Center has the following features:

  • Was the first fully accredited midwifery center in the area
  • Emphasizes the beauty behind a woman who is empowered by her birthing team
  • Free consultations
  • Assists with:
    • Pregnancy
    • Birth center births
    • Home births
    • Water births
    • VBACS
    • Postpartum
  • Educational opportunities to prepare for birth
  • Compatible with several insurance companies
  • Connected with physicians in case of emergency hospital transfer (which is extremely uncommon based on online statistics).

2. Miracle of Life Midwifery – 714-273-6611

            Miracle of Life Midwifery stands out from the crowd because of the dozens of heartfelt reviews shared by women on their website. Other features include:

  • Pre-conception services
  • Virtual telehealth is available based on a financial “sliding scale”
  • Has a team that includes a pediatrician, chiropractor, massage therapist, and even a birth photographer!
  • Commitment to ensure both mom and baby leave the birth feeling healthy, safe, and comfortable.
  • Emphasizes the importance of mom and midwife sharing a strong connection, to prepare for labor and delivery.

3. Abundant Blessings Midwifery – 714-922-0238

Abundant Blessings Midwifery are midwives in Orange County and other areas around LA. Some of their features include:

  • Commitment to ensuring both mom and baby are active players in the birthing experience.
  • Emphasis on forming a strong bond between mom and midwife to empower the birthing process.
  • Services include:
    • Prenatal care
    • Labor techniques
    • Home births
    • Water births
    • Newborn care
    • Postpartum

Once you have gathered all of the information you need to make your decision, it’s time to trust your gut and start taking steps towards applying to work with your midwife of choice. Remember, if your Midwife in Orange County isn’t the perfect match, don’t hesitate to take steps to get a new one.

It is also not too early or too late to get some maternity photos of that growing bump. I know what a crazy ride pregnancy is and how many decisions need to be made. You will be making a great one by letting me photograph your journey because once that baby is in your arms there is no going back. 

Good luck mama… you’ve got this!


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